Property details
- Address:
- 愛媛県西予市宇和町山田909番地
- Date built:
- January 1987
- Current status:
- Akiya
- Land classification:
- Residential land
- Structure:
- Wooden construction
- Urban planning:
- Non-delineated
- Sources:
- Also seen on:
- Water supply
- Toilet
- Bath
- Bottled propane gas
- Guttering
- All rooms at least 9.72 m²
- Storage space
- Japanese-style room(s)
- Japanese-style rooms at least 12.4 m²
- Garden
- Field / vegetable garden
- Electricity
- Farmland
Agricultural Farmland
This property is listed as having agricultural land attached. Buying, or leasing, agricultural land requires meeting certain requirements and obtaining permission from the Agricultural Committee or equivalent (such as the governor of the prefecture).
About Seiyo City
Seiyo City is known for its agriculture, producing high-quality citrus fruits like mikan. It is close to the historic Uwa Sea and offers access to outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. The city has a rich cultural heritage with traditional crafts and festivals. Nearby attractions include the Seiyo City Uwa Museum and the scenic coastline.
Located in
Ehime Prefecture
Ehime Prefecture